Monday, June 30, 2008

Tuesday night rally...I will go!

The theme tonight was "Going for Jesus." And really the point that was being made was that our hearts have to be completely open to whatever God is doing and taking us!

God, continue to soften our hearts; that we would be in complete surrender to YOU...the God of the universe.

Here is the song with the lyrics below of the song that was sung tonight from Starfield.

I Will Go lyrics

To the desperate eyes and reaching hands
To the suffering and the lean
To the ones the world has cast aside
Where you want me I will be

I will go, I will go
I will go, Lord send me
To the world, To the lost
To the poor and hungry
Take everything I am
I'm clay within your hands
I will go, I will go, send me

Let me not be blind with privilege
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing You've poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for change


I wanna live for you
Go where you lead me
I wanna follow you
[Repeat 3x]


Send me! [4x]

Lauren and Milloy

These two are funny. Francis Chan told a humorous story about selling vacuum cleaners and being bored. This is what Milloy is referencing. Enjoy!

Sunburn and Technology

I know that I’m a little late in telling my story but from the sunburn and the ninja attacks from Jeffery LaVoie but I finally made it. This was the first full day that had both the rallies occurred. The morning rally was at 9:30 am and the evening rally is at 7 pm. The nice thing about this rally is that last night the projector was broken and is now fixed. I am typing this as the entire room behind me is attacking each other. Now I, as a peaceful, person am quietly typing away (I am holding them off while typing this). Yesterday night was a wakeup call for most of the youth. I was amazed at the description from Francis Chan.

Me and the others are ready for the rest of the week and the dodge ball game on Thursday. (pray that my sunburn heals beforehand. – Jordan Ryberg.

Oh, before I leave I would like to defend my honor about the sunburn comment (thank you Jeff). I thought we were only going out for a short swim and next thing I know I am out in the middle of the lake with salt in my mouth and eyes. Next time I will stop and think about who I’m swimming with and not lose my glasses again. (Thank you Chris Rollman for the save).

Student Update Day 2

Again, Pete got ahold of the camera. This is what happens.

We are having a great day connecting deeply with God and with others on the trip!

Laura gives an update

Laura is talking about the best thing of Challenge on Tuesday. Check it out!


This song was one of the songs sung this morning. God is doing some crazy things and worship has been deep. Listen to the words!

Bugs at the Great Salt Lake

You have heard of them, now you can see them. The Bugs of the Great Salt Lake. Be afraid - Be very afraid.

Hey, these bugs kinda remide me of someone - won't say who of course.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Day Wrap up.

Francis Chan did an amazing job of challenging students here. he talked about seeing God for who he really is and when we do that, we can begin to understand why our relationship with God is so precious and incredible. God is good and moving here at Challenge 2008.

-Pastor Chris

the below video has a few pictures and a little video from Salt Lake City. It also include me talking about the day!

The first night.

It occurred to me as 94 people walked through this door that you are seeing on video tape that at the end of the week, this group would possibly be totally different then what I was experiencing at that very moment. Whenever we come face to face with the God of the universe, there is a simple response of radical worship that takes place and I believe that THIS week our students will experience that God of the universe and be forced to respond in a way that will be exciting to watch! God is good. In everything...

Pete...and lies...

Pete got ahold of the camera and wanted to make a student report. This is why we are careful about who gets ahold of the camera...

Alex, Collin, and Chris comment on Challenge 08.

Man, Collin and Alex have just a couple comments they wanted to make about Challenge 2008. Enjoy!

We are here!

We have been here for only 1 full day and we are already dying. Help me!! I want my mommy and I would just like to tell everyone back home that I love them before this big guy behind me wacks me over the head with a club. So if I just stop typing then u will know what happened. But I at least swam about 2 miles in the great salt lake and walked about 1 mile across very very very hard and pointy and sharp sand-rock-boulder things. O, btw this is Jeffrey LaVoie typing this. By the time I finally got to the island after the first half of the swim I was cramping all overrrrrrrrr!!! EVERYWHERE! Well.. that may be a little bit of a stretch but it still hurt badly.. then walking across more pointy rock-sand-boulder things with hundreds (literally) of birds flying around I was the first (and only) person to get pooped on.. even thou there were plenty of other targets (some that had been there much longer than I had and had been killing some of the birds with rocks).. but of course me being the kind nature loving (except spiders) person I am gets pooped on.. About 1 minute onto the island.. still sore.. but I will stop complaining.
Well onto the actuality of the trip :). The bus ride was long with plenty of breaks (maybe a little too many if you ask me) but we enjoyed the ride. We sat around (obviously) and got to talk about all sorts of things like how mountains were created and video games and books and almost everything else. On the ride over we also watched Evan Almighty and Robots. In Denver before we went to bed we made one last stop for the night at a gas station where I (still Jeffrey LaVoie talking) bought a half gallon container of chocolate milk :). With a little assistance of Jordan Ryberg (my best bud) we got the whole jug drank before we went to bed (and the best part is that I didn’t even get sick).
When we got into Utah yesterday we got unloaded and went up into our rooms (after a short meeting thing with the group as a whole). I am in a room with 5 people in including our adult leader Larry Friend (do not worry though, Larry slept on an air mattress, Jon Henderson and John Pulliam slept on the floor, and Jordan Witte and I enjoyed the only 2 beds in the room). All we have done so far is just walk around at a mall and ate and went up to the Mormon temple. We also had a church service this morning and learned what sojourn meant (if you don’t know what it means it is: a stopping point) and sang some songs (but there weren’t very many people there at all). Tonight we are going to our first rally and I am super excited (and I just asked if the rest of my roomies were and they said they are too (Jordan is a little tired though and got super sun burned at the lake and is dragging a little.. but I know he will enjoy it :) ))
Well that is pretty much that status report on my group. Till next time or until I see you again, good bye and have a good time and a good day (unless you are reading this right before you go to bed, then good bye and good night :) )
P.S. oops, I was just informed that apparently Lauren W. also got pooped on :) Picture above

Larry here - I have had at least 3 people here in Salt Lake comment on the nature and attitude of our students – all positive. Looks like you have raised some rather good ambassadors for our Lord!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Exciting News About Challenge! Video Streamed Rallies

Here is a post from

For the first time, we will be video streaming two of our rallies. Monday Night with Jimmy Dorrell and Starfield as well as Tuesday Morning with JD Greear and Starfield. If you have broadband access you will get to see what the students and leaders get to see. For those of you parents back home wondering about what is going on, this will be your ticket inside. We have opened up enough bandwith for up to 700 people at one time. If you have trouble, just try back an hour later. The content will be available through the end of July. Just a note, you will not be able to download this video.

Times will be posted Sunday Night with the actual times of the video streams.

We're here!

Hey. We're here. God is good and gave us protection all the way here on the buses. He gave us amazing connection and my hope and pray is that we continue to connect deeply with God and connect deeply with others that are on the trip. I think that we took a great step towards that this last 24 hours.

At this point, we are resting and attempting to recover from the bus ride. I am excited to go eat dinner in the food court with the 94 other people from our group. It is unnerving taking this many people across the country and at the same time, I realize that God provides his strength, his wisdom, his peace.

Continue to pray that God would work in spectacular ways in the lives' of our students and that this week would not be about anything but connecting deeply with God and connecting deeply with others on the trip for our students!

In Christ,
-Pastor Chris.

At the Salt Lake...It's salty.

In the Bus.

We are on the bus talking about our ride...Fun stuff!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pre Challenge Video - Watch it.

Starfield Leading Worship...

Here's a youtube video playing the song "Filled with Your Glory" by the band that will be leading us in worship at Challenge 2008!


Challenge Blogspot.

The Challenge conference has a blogspot that the people that are organizing the event put on. You can check it out at

Are you ready to experience God this week?

Challenge 2008

Tomorrow, Allied Force Student Ministry High School Students are headed to Salt Lake City Utah, where they will spend a week connecting deeply with God and deeply with others on the trip. We are so excited to head out. It's a 20 hour bus ride to get there and we will drive through the night.

Throughout the week, students will give their thoughts and reactions to the conference and we hope that we can post some video and pictures to the site. I'm excited to see what God will do in the next week.

-Pastor Chris